Leadership Training
This course is designed to give participants the skills, knowledge and understanding needed to effectively manage the performance of their people on a practical level.
The worhshop considers many of the different tools available to managers when it comes to assessing and enhancing the performance of their team. The participants will touch on the issues of motivation, managing high performance and dealing with situations when performance is poor. The workshop covers such topics as: setting and objectives, structuring review meetings and constructive feedback. It introduces coaching approach and GROW model to conduct effective conversations. Participants will also learn how to deal with resistance, difficulties and poor performance.
The Attendees will:
- Understand the performance process and methods to raise the performance
- Learn how to set clear expectations and monitor the performance
- Practice setting SMART objectives and monitoring and assessing performance
- Learn about conducting performance meeting and giving constructive and motivational feedback
- Practice the GROW coaching model for effective meetings and better results
- Learn the importance of attitude for performance
- Practice a method to identify and change negative thoughts and beliefs
Training outline:
- Creating and sustaining high performance teams and performance management principles
- Key factors of a high performing team
- Role of a leader in achieving high performance
- Key factors, principles and benefits of an effective performance management framework
- Organisations’ performance appraisal proces
- Setting performance measures and monitoring performance
- The importance of objective setting in Managing Performance
- Setting SMART objectives
- Identifying core behaviours that drive high performance
- Monitoring objectives
- Objectively assessing and rating performance
- One to one performance review meetings
- Structuring performance review meetings
- Giving constructive and motivational feedback
- Using questions to help employees review their own performance
- Coaching and training to enhanced performance
- What coaching, mentoring and training is
- The role of coaching approach in supporting performance
- Effective coaching practises
- Coaching conversations – introducing the GROW model for better results
- Managing poor performace – dealing with resistance, difficulties and barriers in performance
- How does an individual attitude determine our behavior and effect performance
- How to deal with excuses and identify and change negative thoughts and beliefs
- The cognitive behavioral model- ABCD- situation, thought, emotion, physiology, behavior
Training techniques used:
- Brainstorming
- Follow up exercise, lead-in exercise
- Exercises in pair and subgroups
- Discussions
- Facilitation and coaching tools
- Case study, interesting examples
- Fill in exercises and sheets
- Mini project work
- Film viewing & analysis