Personal energy – how to avoid burnout

wypalenie zawodowe i wyczerpanie

Stress resulting from work overload, the need to develop and use new competences, lowered sense of security, work comfort, and mood affect many people. According to the Human Power data (2020 report called “Stresoodporni – odporność psychiczna polskich organizacji” – “Stress-resilient – mental toughness of Polish organizations”), currently every second manager is faced with a high or very high level of fatigue and stress. Employees report similar experiences. This can all lead to job burnout.

What you will learn during the HOW TO AVOID BURNOUT webinar: 

  • What job burnout it and how it manifests itself
  • What daily activities contribute to exhaustion and burnout
  • How to change your everyday attitude to bring more energy into your life and avoid burnout
  • How you can identify your personal stressors that contribute to burnout and look for activities that give you satisfaction
  • Where the energy leaks are and how you can stop them
  • What actions you should take (on a personal and organizational level) to prevent job burnout
  • How to prevent burnout in the work environment


Job burnout is a state of physical, emotional, and mental exhaustion. It is caused by being exposed to long-term emotionally stressful situations. Every job, even the one we love, is an energy expenditure. So let’s take care of our work environment to reduce its stress-inducing character as much as possible

If you notice energy depletion or exhaustion in yourself or in others, increased mental distance from your job, negativism – these may be signs of burnout. Another symptom is a feeling of inefficacy and lack of achievement.

Order the How to avoid burnout webinar for your organization.