Coping with stress – reducing stress and tension

Jak redukować stres

Webinar “How to cope with stress”

A large number of changes, uncertainty of tomorrow, and the lack of a sense of stability increase the level of stress. The tension that lasts a long time and accumulates in our body does not serve us well. That is why it is worth dealing with stress in stages, i.e. relieving tension on an ongoing basis in order to manage stress.

Sometimes, when faced with a stressful situation, we are paralyzed, the effort needed to complete the task seems to be overpowering, or we do not know what to do at all. It is a frequently reported response – the tension is so high that we feel our mind goes blank or that it becomes chaotic.

The webinar will equip participants with useful tools for dealing with everyday stress at work.

What you will learn in the “How to cope with stress” webinar:

  • What stress really is, its symptoms, and the role of the stress response
  • The neurobiological basis of the stress response and ways to get out of defense mode
  • How to lower the level of stress hormones
  • What to do with cortisol and adrenaline
  • How to manipulate brain waves and get your brain to regenerate
  • What to do every day to relieve stress and tension on an ongoing basis
  • How to take care of your mental and physical well-being
  • What to do to make changes to your daily routine
  • How to use stress energy to your advantage

We hold our webinars in the form of an interactive presentation with active participation of attendees in the form of exercises, a virtual whiteboard, Mentimeter-type tools, Q&A sessions, and ongoing questions. In addition, participants also receive chat links to recordings, articles, and books. The typical webinar length is 60-90 minutes.

The training session on coping with stress is 2-6h

Contact us and we will choose the best format together: