Stress management & decision making

how to make better decisions in crisis

How to manage stress and make better decisions

The training equips the participants in a useful toolkit, that increases their confidence in reducing stress and tension at work.

This course will help participants to prevent and manage stress at work. There will be opportunities to relate the content to the participants’ own work environment. Participants will understand the physiology of stress and identify its sources. They will consider a range of practical stress management techniques. They will learn how to recharge physical, emotional and mental batteries.

Through practical exercises the training will support participants in boosting their self-confidence in decision-making.


Training Outline “Managing stress and better decision-making”:

  1. Personality and communication style typology and how they manage stress & affect decision-making process
  • Personality typology in DISC – understanding yourself & other people
  • How our personality affects decision-making process, reactions to stress & pressure and self-confidence
  • Adapting communication style in building communication in teams – creating less stress environment

   2. Stress management at work – recognizing the signs, sources and mechanisms

  • The essence, origin and complexity of stress response
  • What are my sources and reactions to stress – physical, emotional, mental and social
  • Recognizing one’s own pattern of responding to difficult situations
  • How to change the approach to stress and use its energy

3. Stress management techniques and work life balance

  • Review of current stress management techniques being used by the group
  • Mindfulness training in stress management – basic methods and tools
  • Practical breathing and relaxation techniques: deep breathing, energy boost breathing, Marines technique
  • Boosting self-confidence: anti-fear technique, Body2Brain exercise
  • Shultz autogenic training

4. Developing Resilience trough practical mental training

  • Mental Strength and Resilience as a self-management skill – how to develop it? Practical strategies based on Mental Toughness model (MTQ48)
  • Your attitude as a key filter – how to choose growth and support resilience
  • ABCD of emotions – understanding and changing thoughts and emotions
  • How to identify as well as change automatic negative thought processes

5. Decision-making process and stress

  • Difficult decision – the essense and complexity of decision – making process
  • Difficult decisions & emotions – understanding the information in emotions
  • Internal blocks – identifying and overcoming restrictive beliefs
  • Methods to tackle personal limitation with restrictive thoughts
  • Methods to build self-confidence

6. Developing resilience within teams and supporting resilience culture

  • Building a resilient learning culture and safe social support system
  • Learning from failures – how to create open communication and safe learning environment
  • How to use feedback skills to increase resilience
  • Emotions in communication that build trust and resilience in teams

7. Managing energy – practical strategies to build work-life balance & wellbeing

  • In the search of balance – the influence of lifestyle in enhancing energy
  • Four sources of energy: how to cultivate more energy and use it wisely
  • Methods to build positive emotions and happiness advantage attitude
  • Strategies to build internal and external support

8. My personal action plan

  • What I will begin doing? What I will refrain from doing?
  • How to build habits aimed at strengthening resistance?
  • What will be my first steps?

The Attendees will:

  1. Learn easy to apply Positive Psychology anti stress techniques
  2. Relate personality style characteristics to the type of stress response and emotional intelligence management
  3. Practice how to be more concentrated yet relaxed thanks to relaxation and breathing exercises
  4. Overcome internal blocks in decision-making process and learn how to reduce tension
  5. Learn how to manage stress and ones reactions to it in interpersonal relations
  6. Develop skills of raising ones level of energy, boosting enthusiasm and self-confidence to manage stress in the long run
  7. Increase confidence and sense of control in stressful situations at work
  8. Increase self – confidence and assertiveness in situations that trigger reaction ” fight or fright”
  9. Work together and create bonds, trust and team spirit

Training techniques used at workshop:

  • Brainstorming and mind-mapping in discovering ideas and creative work
  • Questionnaires in reflection and discovery exercises
  • Follow up exercise
  • Exercises in pair and subgroups
  • Discussions
  • Facilitation and coaching tools
  • Case study, interesting examples
  • Stress management exercise
  • Fill in exercises and sheets
  • Mini project work
  • Film viewing & analysis

See also: MTQ48