A road to understanding and communication.

How to improve your performance when working with other people?

Do you sometimes get the impression that other people do not understand you at all and you do not understand their behavior either? It would be easier if we knew what drives others, what is important to them, what motivates and stresses them out. Understanding the behavior of other people allows us to communicate with them better, to achieve our goals more efficiently, and to build a well-functioning team.

What will you learn about communication and cooperation during the webinar Colors of Communication?

  • You will learn the four colors of communication – styles of thinking and acting – and how to recognize them
  • You will make a self-diagnosis of your own style
  • You will learn how to convince other people of your opinion, while maintaining good relationships
  • You will find out when and how to use the logical argumentation and the language of emotions
  • You will learn what gets on the nerves of different “colors” and how to motivate each other
  • You will find out about the needs, favored principles of cooperation, and typical behaviors of people with different communication styles (colors)
  • You will understand why misunderstandings happen and how to avoid them

The webinar program will be customized to your individual challenges.

We work using the DiSC Model.